Bandipur Mountain Resort

Business Name : Bandipur Mountain Resort

Business Location : Bandipur 33904, Nepal

Business Type : Accommodation

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Bandipur Mountain Resort

1.0 rating
May 1, 2023

I went to Bandipur and spent a night in Bandipur Mountain Resort in New Years Day with my family. Very first impression was really bad. They did not have parking at all in the resort so we had to park about 5 minutes away and carry our luggage which was frustrating. When we got to reception, there was no one so waited few minutes for a staff member to arrive. She then told us the room was not ready although it was past 3pm. We waited there for more than 30 minutes. We were offered free coffee while we waited there when she found out that were not happy. Finally we got to our room to find the room smelt full of mould. We had no option as it was new years day and all the places were fully booked in. As part of the hotel booking, we also paid for New Years Day special dinner and the breakfast the next morning. To our surprise, only a few options were available for dinner and breakfast. We also had to convince the lady that we already paid for the special dinner and the breakfast which she confirmed with someone over the phone. This same lady was wearing several caps as receptionist, cook, waitress, facilities manager and not sure what other roles she was doing. The stay was worst ever. Do not recommend this place at all ????

One of the 2 families that stayed there on new years day 2023

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