Alice Restaurant Pulchowk

Business Name : Alice Restaurant

Business Location : Kathmandu, Nepal

Business Type : Restaurant

5.0 rating
5 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Very good0%

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Alice Restaurant Pulchowk

5.0 rating
May 11, 2023

I went to Durbar Marg’s Alice Restaurant. Both the food and services were really good. My family also liked the restaurant.
I went to Alice Restaurant in in पुल्चोव्क after few days and found they maintained the same standard of good food and service in there too. The restaurant is clean and maintained very good looking.
The best part is that you can enjoy the very best Nepali cuisine while getting a very good mountain view from it’s roof top. The price was a good deal too for such a high class restaurant.
Can’t stop giving 5 star rating.

Sandip Bista

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